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I do not rightly fired from his job, did not want to make out with me happened was an accident. I did not know what to do, was left without a livelihood. And the courts, we know what kind of red tape,…

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Detective agency grateful for the fact that his staff saved

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He turned to the detective agency, when I stole a car. Of course I was shocked, given how hard I got this machine. Immediately contacted the police. Two months then went to the police, the insurance,…

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Graphological psychoanalysis

Specialists in graphology know how the handwriting to create a psychological portrait of the man. The fact that the unique handwriting akin unique fingerprint. Handwriting is very difficult to fake, small differences in the handwriting of so called human nature, that they are almost impossible to overcome. Ideal repeat all elements of handwriting is available, perhaps, the latest modern robot.

Thanks to these properties, a person's handwriting, it becomes possible to carry out graphological analysis. Based on the appearance of characters in the sample can be determined character traits, temperament and health. On handwriting affects not only the mood, but also pathology of the nervous system, or unsociable sociability of human nature.

Repeatedly checking the coincidence of the nature of the handwriting with a real person, so the detectives are on handwriting foresee the actions of a person in a particular situation.

Remember that such examination can be carried out on a photo of handwriting or photocopies. Consequently, it is possible to order the examination, without going any time in a detective agency. Just an e-mail the agency send a copy of the file with a sample of handwriting. If you require clarification, they can be set via chat or by phone. The result of the analysis of handwriting you will receive the same e-mail.

Such an analysis is often used in the world when gaining workers.

It's interesting to know what the nature of the beginner.

Young people use such tests to find out your options. And parents also want to understand the power of their offspring. All of this knowledge can give a psychological analysis of the handwriting.

If you contact the agency, such expertise is always held secret, no one will know what you ordered this examination. Do not worry about their responses to questions about the man whose graphological analysis you ordered. Those carrying out his works on the basis of a sample of handwriting, and the more he did not need to know about the owner's handwriting to make a judgment about that person.

Sometimes order an examination of handwriting whole family, you will give experts the agency handwriting samples of all family members, both young and old, and even the dead, and hear the story of their characters with family illness, family tree family. Samples can be sent by mail or via the Internet, which is very convenient.


В основном сейчас у людей видеонаблюдение ассоциируется с огромным количеством камер, размещенных по всему дому или офису.

  • The main principle: a satisfied customer.
  • We do our best to accurately carry out the work. The first rule that guides us in our work: the right to privacy of its customers. The information you provide to us, in any case will not be the property of third parties.
  • Second rule: The customer has the right to know about the future performance of its order. Therefore, we will never mislead our customers. We do not promise, we do.
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