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I want to talk about his case, to warn others. If it were not employees of the detective agency, or rather my friend, first of all, well done, she advised them to me. And then I would have lost his…

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Detective agency grateful for the fact that his staff saved

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Physiognomic analysis

Determining the nature of the face is long overdue. During the development of mankind has accumulated a wealth of material. Modern scholars argue that the facial features associated with the genes in the DNA that determine both the nature of man. There are more than hundreds of differences and features that professionals use. They help to define the character by facial features. In addition, Physiognomy to evaluate human health from the photo, and his psychological condition.

Detective Agency "Private detective Donetsk" offers the service "physiognomic portrait." When to ask for an analysis?

Business people tend to want to know all about the customers, customers to be aware of what kind of people have to deal with. Of course, there is a question of new people with whom you have had no contact before. In this case, make psihoportret person to have an idea of ​​who would have to run a business.

If, God forbid, have to choose who to cut, it is necessary to leave the most helpful employees. Physiognomic portrait will help you pinpoint it.

It happens that the company observed petty theft or leakage of information.

How to start an investigation of these facts? How to find someone to at least initiate an investigation? Book compilation of character in the face, so that you can tell who is more inclined to different actions.

Sometimes businessmen bought a portrait of himself in order to verify the accuracy of the analysis of physiognomy, or show it to someone from clients or customers, so that they form an opinion about the businessman.

Analysis report you receive as a text or audio / video recording, if desired. In any case, the secrecy of your treatment and its results are guaranteed. Many of the agency's employees have experience in law enforcement and in the course of the state system of secrecy, this esprit de corps, as they say.

Order this service you can even via Internet directly on the site. It is desirable to have a photo of the object of research with good resolution and color. Picture quality will determine the quality of the analysis.

The Agency may provide this service throughout the territory of Ukraine, and even from abroad. In addition, the site the address and telephone number of the agency.


В основном сейчас у людей видеонаблюдение ассоциируется с огромным количеством камер, размещенных по всему дому или офису.

  • The main principle: a satisfied customer.
  • We do our best to accurately carry out the work. The first rule that guides us in our work: the right to privacy of its customers. The information you provide to us, in any case will not be the property of third parties.
  • Second rule: The customer has the right to know about the future performance of its order. Therefore, we will never mislead our customers. We do not promise, we do.
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